Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Before I go anywhere just wanna say I am so loving Whitney and I am so glad she is back!

Ok now that the randomness is out of the way, hope all of you had a good holiday, I no longer know how I feel about the festive season. At some point the excitement wore off as I progressed into my twenties, but I guess now I thank God for the gift of children coz now my son’s enthusiasm about Christmas is making me start to believe again.

I usually avoid the word resolution like the plague because most (read all) the time I never seem to stick to them so why set myself up for failure right? Besides I always wait until my birthday to go into the whole reflective mode and planning for the future bit. Here is my logic, no point marking the beginning of the year on 1 Jan when I wasn’t even born yet so technically my year hasn’t ended yet. It’s a good thing I was born in January though that means I am not too far behind all y’all. This year however because I spent eons of time at home doing basically nothing I had plenty of time to think and found myself thinking about what I want out of 2010. Actually no ignore that I mean what 2010 is gonna get out of me, its all about me at the end of the day is it not? I decided one thing; in 2010 I wanna live a little! (ok maybe quite a bit!) what I mean is a lot of us (read me) go through life shying away from certain things because we say “oh that’s just not me” or “oh I couldn’t possibly wear that its just not me!” yet we don’t actually have a definition of who “ME” is! I will have you know that I have lost out on some pretty fab fashion simply because I didn’t have the guts to step out of my comfy zone. But no more! And its not just a threat I have already went out and got myself a funky vibrant wardrobe such that the other day my hubby looked at me with a look that said “hey who are you and what have you done with my wife?” the good news though is he is loving it!

So I am now officially getting into my late twenties, next week to be precise. When you are closer to 25 you always console yourself by saying you are in your mid-twenties. However I am finally approaching the stage where “young” will cease to be the pre-fix for lady in reference to me (Thomas Hardy). For a long time I have been scared of turning 30. It sounded so…serious. Like you need to have achieved all your goals by 30, to be exactly where you should be in life, being stable etc. but you know what I am not scared anymore. I am looking forward to mature, sexy 30. 30 is blossoming into a woman, 30 is making decisions for you and not for anyone else, 30 is not about compromising, 30 is self-assured and no nonsense. I can’t wait to be 30!

2010 is the year of Breakthrough! Yeah baby those mountains will certainly move this year, and oceans shall open the way for me. I can already feel it and I have already started experiencing it! Watch this space for more.


Kookie said...

Jumping up and down! When's the birthday? when's the birthday? I still think 30 is young and I take heart from seeing way older people...think early 50's people having a life and going out there to experience life. So I completely agree with you that this year is a breakthrough year! Looking forward to your 2010 and mine!

Enchante said...

i so agree with you, 30 is young! anyway i still have a few years before i get there. birthday is on the 18th oh gosh, i am so in love with that date, it strikes a chord everytime i say it!