I had kinda gone MIA there simply coz I just didn’t feel like writing, nothing was stimulating me enough to want to get down to a post. And its amazing that what I usually find annoying is what triggered me to finally sit down and write. As a rule I am not a big fan of people sending forwards to my email, I don’t care how funny they are or how tragic and sad they sound, I just don’t like forwards, period. I can count on one hand the number of times that I actually read one before deleting it and even fewer times, me deciding to forward it to someone else. But then this one caught my eye, I don’t know whether it was the title, (which spoke about what women want) or if it was the fact that the first thing I saw when I opened it was the glorious hair and beautiful face that belongs to Robert Patterson (someone help hold down my cougar instincts!) anyway this whole paragraph is irrelevant to my post by the way, I just sort of enjoyed making a grand entrance and doing an intro.
The subject of discussion is one that has been done several times over, even a number of times here on blogville, but what the heck. It concerns the grand issue of men providing for their women. And I shall put a disclaimer here and say this post refers specifically to married men providing for their lawful wives (this rules out small houses for the avoidance of doubt). Now we all know that even the bible has placed men in the
unenviable noble task of providing for the family as the head of the house hold, fair and fine. I have no problems with that, hell show me a girl who doesn’t want to be spoilt and pampered and I will show you a blatant outright liar. Where is the problem then you ask? One of my favorite adages is that, culture, and indeed society is dynamic. Therefore one shouldn’t feel obliged to be stuck in the dark ages where a wife’s lifelong ambition was to always thank her hardworking husband for the pair of knickers that he bought her. I think we have reached a stage where any hardworking, professional assertive woman, will graciously accept a gift from her man, but not because she cant afford it herself. I am not by any long shot a feminist ( though I am still trying to figure out why that word always evokes such negative energy from people) but I do subscribe to the motto that what a man can do a woman can do even better. So yes, I will let dear hubby buy me anything, from a pair of diamond earrings, a blackberry, a set of wheels, but not because my fine self cant cough up the dough. Simply because he is my man, and he is allowed to show me how much I mean to him by spending some cash.
P/s I am not saying the world is now rid of the Khanyi Mbau’s and the Anna Nicole Smith, but that’s a topic for another day.