Wednesday, March 24, 2010


so today i am off to Europe, the weather better be kind to me i am not looking forward to having my nether bits frozen. i am African i dont do snow! he he i want to believe that where i am going the sun will be shining (humming) anyway i hope i will find lots of interesting stories to blog about when i come back, i will try and visit blogville in the two weeks i will be away maybe post too if i am lucky!

Monday, March 22, 2010

The S*** has hit the fan BIG TIME!

I never thought I would blog about the same topic twice but desperate times people desperate times. Now I was all in tears sobbing about the loss of my BFF just last week. And I really was low and in a sad mood. But hey, this ahs turned into a downright nasty encounter. And the sickeningly funny thing is I have not said anything in return, all I have said is that its better we call it quits, to which i got attacked in an avalanche of words that seem to have been plucked out of a particularly best-selling copy of insults. I mean come on, I am in my late twenties, I cant be doing cat-fights ON EMAIL and getting all clawed up over something frankly I have no clue about. In fact if I still had the desire to sit her down properly and ask her what she is stark-raving mad about, I doubt she will have an answer!

That being said since I am over the shock of the attack, I can say that I should have the emails carefully extracted and preserved. They could work very well for someone who is trying to get rid of a boyfriend and ensure that he never again attempts to get in touch. SMH, some people! I am wondering now whether she was always this special brand of Cruella or the truck-loads of money she is making now has gotten to her head. As you can see, from this post, respect for her and loyalty to our years of friendship have totally flown out of the window and I am not in a hurry to scurry after them.

I am done with this, sue me.

Related to that really I wonder what it is about us women that always gets us in this sort of mess. I mean guys can pull punches, put each other in ICU, and yet a short while later they will be buying each other beer against the strict orders of the doctor. Why do we women harbour bitterness and animosity? Why do we always pull out the obvious arsenal PHD (pull her down). I really don’t know, if someone does, kindly shed some light.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday Randomness

I just finished reading Steve Harvey's Act like a lady, Think like a man. all i can say is its unputdownable! i am not big on self-help/motivation/relationship advice kinda books, i never get past the first chapter but this, i found truly refreshing. mostly coz i found myself nodding at most of the things he was saying, the things that we women always know at the back of our minds but decide to ignore anyway because we wanna get that man, and keep him against all odds. and it also made me understand some of the things that have made me previously mad at DH for, like i dont care how new-age your man happens to be happen, but he will not cook or do dishes, on an average day, especially after the ring is on your finger. thats just men for you. i wont give away too much in case someone wants to have a look at it, which i strongly advise, its a great read. and if anyone wants a copy i can hook you up with an e-copy, just holla at me.

talking about reading i just realised that i have regained my passion for reading. somehow amidst the court papers to done and redone, toys to pick up after, forcefeeding coaxing a three-year-old to eat, feeding an older three-year-old my husband and finally getting to put my feet up, i find time to pick up a book and flip through several pages. and i have to join a library soon coz at the rate i am going i will run out of money and shelf-space for all the books i am buying. thank goodness for e-books that i occassionally read.

that being said i am looking forward to lazing around on the weekend with my latest stash of books! have a great one!

Friday, March 12, 2010

my best friend is gone....

i lost a friend today, my best friend to be exact. in fact i have posted about her before, my forever constant, my partner in crime. she and i have been friends for all of my adult life, i met her just as i was entering into adulthood. at the time when i was discovering life, discovering myself and i discovered a kindred spirit in her. we shared a great deal first kisses, first heartbreaks you know the works. its like my earth came shattering down on me, my maid of honour is gone.

but before you start really shedding tears for me she didnt die. and even though i woke up today thinking i would write a really nasty post about, i guess the loyalty i have felt over all these years is still in tact. today my friend said hurtful things to me, she said things that i dont even have the courage to say to my enemy. she called me all sorts of things and i am still trying to figure out what i did to deserve all that. i didnt cry, maybe i am still in shock. mayve this is a wound that has been festering bit by bit and i was blissfully unaware of it, or i was bandaging over it. but today the bandage was rudely ripped off, they always say its better without warning. but i wanted to be warned, i wanted to be told that it is going to bleed and be really really painful. until i started writing this post i hadnt shed a tear, but now i can hardly see the screen.

my best friend is gone....and i have never had a best friend before....what am i going to do?