So I have been off my feet for a while now. I like to flatter myself by thinking that blogville missed me! Anyway I did say at some point to my girl K that our similarities are uncanny so true to form I was wheeled into the operating theatre a mere few weeks after she came out! If I ever discover that the reason was the same I swear I am going to faint. Anyway I always thought I was a tough one and that no amount of threatening me with needles would get you very far. But this experience, oh boy if I never drive past a sign that says Hospital again it would be too soon. Its quite strange considering that this is the person who was hospitalized at 7 to get tonsils taken out, again at 19 coz for some weird reason I had a stroke, and a few years ago I breezed through my c-section like I do it every day. Yet this time….hmmmm I was just plain traumatized. Well as far as moments are concerned the most memorable one was when I was being wheeled into the OR and the last I thing I heard was strains from Donell Jones, how cool is that! I shall never listen to Donell with the same frame of mind again.
What this whole experience gave me was time on my hands, and time to think at that. It made me realize that when all is said and done, your BFFs might be there for you and all but noone does it quite like family. Everyone else will break momentarily and sympathise and strengthen you but at some point they shall jump on back to the train of their busy lives and at that point all you have is family. The people that don’t sleep if they think you are in too much pain and the people that will drop everything to come and sit by your bedside. No offence my BFFs I love y’all and you guys are truly amazing but my family came out tops on this one. And believe I fell so very blessed to be the subject of this very fierce contest.
Anyway staying at home also made me a fully qualified, certified couch potato which feeds on day-time television and bad movies! I swear in three weeks I must have gone through over 50 movies an average of 3 per day including the time that I was in hospital ( I had hubby sneak me a dvd player in there) and at least half of them were really bad movies. But I watched them anyway its like I was possessed and I couldn’t stop myself. At first I was doing my favourites only ie chick flicks, then with time I ran out of those til I ended up doing were-wolves and mafia! Oh and another memorable moment is I finally met Stewie! oh Stewie, yes huggies does make your bum look fat! I do believe I have watched enough screen for the whole of 2009 and I think I should attempt removing the set in my living room (fat chance of that happening!)
Ah its good to be back, I sure did miss y’all even if you didn’t notice I was gone! Stay blessed!
After having written the above, I was settling comfortably to finish off what was left of my slouching couch weeks in front of the telly when something happened. I had a visitor at home, an elderly family member who was seated next to me. He asked me a very pertinent question, he asked me whether my favourite hobby was watching telly. Of course I couldn’t say yes I spend all my waking hours in front of it, I had to tell him that I read a lot (well I do read though not that much anymore) in order not to sound so fickle. He asked me if I ever went to watch any sport well that was a flat no because I have an aversion to sport that borders on allergy. Anyway the point is, he got me thinking. We have (well at least I have) settled into a life where telly practically rules my life. I have ceased to attempt find other things to amuse me. I used to sew (yeah I do own a sewing machine) I used to bake, and I used to be much me out-going (well the combination of saying farewell to my long-time friend Mr B..(ooze) and being a mother resulted in me preferring to just sit at home lets face it, its no fun to go out and risk heartburn by downing litres of orange juice) where was i? oh yes I was talking about how I have given in to telly as my babysitter. I really should do something about it, once I am fully back on my feet I need to find a new hobby, any ideas people?
You know I was thinking when I was writing above, about something that my Pastor said the other day. She said that us women do what is called spider-webbing when we talk. This means when we start to talk about something, we think of something else and stray there and while we are there we think of something else and it goes on until we link the whole story back to the original story. If someone maps the story it would result in a diagram that looks more or less like a spider-web. And that’s so true just look at how I kept digressing in brackets above. Its fascinating really and no wonder men never understand us!
Ok I am back again, that elderly family member I was talking about then turned out to have been asking from a moral pseudo-religious point of view. He happens to belong to a certain denomination ( whose name I shall not reveal) which believes that their doctrines are the gospel truth and I just happen not to agree with them. So my couch afternoon resulted in us being locked in a weird bible lesson or was it brain-storming session. Either way I wanted to run out of there! And I did, to the kitchen, resulting in the yummiest cupcakes I have made in a while. It wasn’t all bad you see!
Get to Know me!!! I am a lot of fun!!
3 years ago
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