Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Balancing act

I took a day off work yesterday. I was feeling a bit under the weather so I just rolled over in bed and went back to sleep until 12 midday! Now that is bliss! The time at home gave me a chance to just appreciate life. I mean the usual bustle and tumble of weekend with people to visit, friends to entertain etc always leaves you breathless after a weekend. But a Monday at home, with DH (Darling Hubby) safely at work and my LO (little one) behaving remarkably well was too good not to enjoy. I spent the afternoon curled up on the couch watching old movies with a blanket. I cuddled my LO and smelt his hair (isn’t it wonderful how baby hair always smells divine!) and received a thousand wet kisses coz he couldn’t believe mummy was home for another day. To sum it all up, I had a wonderful restful day and I thanked God for the gift of life.

The whole encounter just makes me interrogate again the thought that is somehow always at the back of my mind. Would I be able to survive being a SAHM (stay-at-home-mum) or would I be bored to my wit’s ends? I know for sure that it would be blissful the first few days, weeks even but I cant imagine doing that on a permanent basis. I mean it would be lovely to be able to pick the kids from school, play with them a bit, help them with homework and then prepare a scrumptious meal for when DH comes home. But lets face it, once you have tasted the freedom of the workplace its difficult to just sit and play housewife. I always think of how my mother with everything that’s going on here absolutely refused to retire from her teaching job, says she would rather work for nothing that drive herself crazy by staying at home. Of course for me the ideal would be the best of both worlds, do mornings only or work from home as some fabulous, brilliant consultant who gets paid loads of money for telling people what they know already in flowery legal jargon, and also be able to do the whole soccer mom scene. I believe that is my ultimate ambition, at least while the family is growing up. I don’t want to be the mom that always gets home after the kids are in bed and leave when they are still asleep, at the same time I would certainly not want to be a frumpy housewife who survives on tidbits of gossip from across the road. So I am going to work my cute bum hard to make sure I become an “expert” in my chosen field and get people clamoring for my opinion, then sit back, watch my kid(s) grow while I do what I know best. Perfect!

So tell me ladies, what is your take on balancing the obviously tricky roles of wife, mother and climbing the corporate ladder?


Kookie said...

I say do what makes you happy. I suppose its hard to balance the two but it makes it worse when you resent your job because of family and vice versa. Theses days they have ways of making it a little easier...working from home part of the week etc